We’ve all been there — single, lonely and looking for love in all the wrong places. But every once in a while, someone perfect comes along and says and does all the right things.
You think you’ve found the light at the end of the balls-deep-in-a-pint-of-Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia-and-crying-while-watching-romantic-comedies-in-your-underwear tunnel. Then, BAM! This person turns out to be a huge jerk who was just using you.
Fear fraught relationships no more. The Army’s V Corps is here to save the day with a workshop entitled, “Don’t Date A Jerk.”
“It is really important, now, to schedule and provide classes like these for soldiers,” said V Corps Chaplain Capt. Brad Wysomierski in a press statement. “The Army wants to make sure we’re putting training and value back into developing healthy relationships.”
Where was this when I was in college? It sure would have saved me a decade of heartache.
Through the Army’s People First Initiative, V Corps hosts “Strong Bonds,” a unit-based, chaplain-led program seeking to enhance soldier resiliency through personal enrichment.
“Sometimes soldiers don’t make the right decisions because they don’t have the right tools,” Wysomierski said. “Our goal is to teach them how to have a lasting relationship, and to give them the tools to aid their personal endeavors.”
Is one of those tools a bullsh*t detector? Unknown. But that’s what I’d find most useful in the avoidance of assholes.
Sarah Sicard is a Senior Editor with Military Times. She previously served as the Digitial Editor of Military Times and the Army Times Editor. Other work can be found at National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose, and Defense News.
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