Latest "AUSA"

Soldiers exposed to new combat realities with expanded training
Drill sergeants now serve as squad leaders in field training.
By Todd South
Graphic novel tells story of Vietnam pilot who flew into enemy fire
Maj. Bruce Crandall helped save 70 wounded troops in Vietnam.
By Sarah Sicard
Graphic novel tells story of World War I’s ‘most outstanding soldier’
"General John Pershing recognized Samuel Woodfill as the most outstanding soldier of the First World War."
By Sarah Sicard
Smaller firms at Army trade show say they’re hard-hit by market shocks
Defense firms are grappling with the economic fallout from the pandemic, but small businesses say their pain is acute.
New rollout for the Army’s $22 billion ‘mixed reality’ combat goggles
After some delays, the Army will field two versions next year with a refined third version by 2025.
By Todd South
New rollout for the Army’s $22 billion ‘mixed reality’ combat goggles
After some delays, the Army will field two versions next year with a refined third version by 2025.
By Todd South
Robot dogs unleashed at Army’s largest annual conference
Meet Spot, the robot dog who made an appearance at AUSA.
By Sarah Sicard
Despite Army’s technology advances, some troops still struggle with internet access
Military officials say remote medical appointments and expanded online support services will only work if all troops have reliable access to the internet.
Graphic series honors Korean War hero who single-handedly stopped a Chinese assault
His men found Red Cloud's body, shot eight times. Enemy bodies littered the area around the outpost.
Army joins Navy, Marine Corps in giving all tenant protections, including dispute process, withholding rent
Dispute resolutions, process for withholding rents -- all protections are in place for tenants of Army, Navy, Marine Corps privatized housing.
By Karen Jowers
Army Software Factory to churn out soldier coders
As the military struggles to recruit more skilled cyber employees, the Army has been experimenting with a novel solution: growing battlefield coders from the untapped talent within its ranks.
By Joe Gould